Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Reaching out to the Homeless in Sao Paulo

In the last two years Pastor Charles Barbosa have presented and teach the vision of Transforming Revival, beginning with the unity of the body. Pastor Daniel and other pastor in the down town area embraced the vision and began to work together.  As a results of this this this event was organized.
Pastor Daniel and many other churches, ministries and the city government brought medical, legal, job fair and other type of assistance to the homeless in down town Sao Paulo. Christian volunteers helped bringing the word of God with excellent Christian entertainment done many churches and also by our team from USA.

Even with a raining morning, after 10 hours serving the community, over 800 was assisted, and 19 teenagers decided to leave the streets and go to a Christan drug recovery program.

After learning the message of Unity of the Body of Christ thought by pastor Charles conferences  in the last 02 years the churches and ministries in down town are experiencing a time of victory in this battle against the enemy for the souls of the people cast aside by society.

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