Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving Service with the Military Police in Rio de Janeiro

The Union of the Evangelicals of the Police of Rio de Janeiro commemorated the 44th anniversary with a Thanksgivisg Service at the Headquarters of the Force in down town Rio.  Many Senior Officers and commanders of the Force participated asking good to continue to guide the work of the Force around Rio.
Local pastors were also present and the worship was done by the Special Forces band.
Major Larcerda, President of the organization invited Pastor Charles Barbosa to deliver the message of Transforming Revival and his message was " The Police Officer as a Agent of Transformation".
At the occasion pastor Charles was award a medal of Honor by the organization because of his services as a volunteer Chaplin.

The pictures below shows ... Sao Paulo Police Chaplin Robison, Pastor Charles General Commamder of Rio Police Special Forces Fabio, Chaplins Arlindo and Chaplin Major Enoque 

Pastor Charles with Police Officer Daumas
 Pastor Charles Preaching to the audiance of the 44th Aniversary of the Organization

 Pastor Charles and Colonel Alves whem gave him a medal for his volunteers services as Chaplin.

Unity - Identity - Mission

Unity, Identity and Mission was the discussed themes in the First Forum of the Brazilian Evangelical Alliance. Organization formed by many different denominations seeking to bring the people of God together for the purposes of God's Kingdom.
Pastor Charles and major Evandro were invited to participate and represent the Christian Police Association from Sao Paulo.
The Forum took place at the First Baptist Church of The Capital city of Brazil, Brasilia.
During this time the new board of directors was voted in by the participants.

Click here to see the pictures of the Forum in Brasilia.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Jacarei city has new Police commander

The Ceremony was on October 27. The mayor of 3 cities and many other authorities participated in this  special occasion.
Pastor Charles was invited to pray at the ceremony. At the event the old commander, our brother in Christ Colonel Sorge, from the DVD documentary  “A Force for Change”, pass the 41 battalion with 400 men to his successor Colonel Barreto also brother in Christ. They are all part of the Sao Paulo state Christian Police Association. Colonel Sorge was promoted to the Sub Commander of the Interior now responsible for 39 cities.
Every week, 03 times per week the chaplins of the Christian police association are serving the police officer of the 41 battalion.

The 02 Colonels are presenting arms before the general commander of the region.

Pastor Charles with the Chaplin Robson and the new commander of the 41 battalion, Colonel Custodio Barreto.

Colonel Sorge with Marcia his wife and their new adopted daughter Marianne.

Colonel Barreto with his wife and nice.

Colonel Barreto with his 03 sons.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

National Encounter of the UMCEB- Union of Evangelical Christian Militaries of Brazil

2253 military police and armed forces Men and Woman from 21 States and their family members gathered in the city of Belem in the State of Para, north of Brazil.
All part of UMCEB they share there testemunies, strategies and new plans during a 4 days congress.
Pastor Charles was invited by the leadership of the Sao Paulo Christian Police Association to come and Share the vision of transformation and the 2012 launching of the dvd "A Force for Change"in Sao Paulo.
The Sao Paulo Association brought the biggest delegation showing the progress they have achieved in many of their batallions around the Sao Paulo State.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Community Church in Jundiai invites Pastor Charles to minister in their September Holy Communion Service

The Community Church of Jundiai are 04 joined churches that have learned the vision of Unity of The Body of Christ and became 01 large church in that city. with many Social, evangelistic and prayer initiatives.  The church is a leading congregation bringing other pastors together to pray and work as the church of the city. Pastor Charles preached in 02 of their services.

Morning Services... holy Communion with Pastor Francisco...

Evening Service with Pastor Mauricio...

Business Men’s Christian Fellowship invite pastor Charles to share about his life

Dr. Shin Nagumo, long time friend of pastor Charles Barbosa invited him to came and share in the business men dinner in the city of Porto Feliz. In the same night the local pastors were gathering with God's people in the second prayer vigil for the transformation of their city. Pastor Charles was also invited to bring a word about Transforming Revival and the church responsibility to prepare the way of the Lord into their lives.

Pictures of the Transformation Prayer Vigil in Porto Feliz city...

Pastor Charles speaks at the Suzano Pastor Association breakfast

On August 27th, pastor Charles was invited to teach about Transforming Revival to the pastors and other leaders in the city of Suzano, located 1 hour from Sao Paulo.
The meeting began about 9AM with delicious breakfast and fellowship. After praise and worship pastor Charles was given 90 minutes to share, but by th end of that time the pastor decided and asked him to continue speaking and teaching. with more time pastor Charles was able to present few clips from the transformation DVDs and explain some of the pronciples behind every story. The meeting lasted almost 4 hours and that motivated the pastors to meet to pary every week seeking God's will to their lives and to their city. Touched by the holy Spirity the pastor association bought 300 transformation DVDs to give to every city official in goverment and also to every pastor in their city.
On October 12 they held the first March for Jesus as part of the vision for the Unity of the Body in their city.

Here are some picture of the pastor's breakfast and the link of the March for Jesus on October 12th...

click here to see the pictures of the First March for Jesus in Suzano...
